About College
Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s College of Agriculture, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar is recognized by Maharashtra Council of Agiculture, Education & Research, Pune & affiliated to Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri (MS). The college was established in the year 2013-14 with a mission to ‘Serve the Land’ and ‘Feed the Hungry’ by imparting training and adoption of scientific technology in production of crops and livestock together through participatory approach under the Scientist and farmer Interaction Forum. The college offers four years duration undergraduate course “B.Sc.(Hon.) Agriculture” with an intake 120 students per year. The institute situated in an area of 100 acres with all facilities.
Presently, the Institute is actively involved in teaching, research and extension to impart quality teaching and research-extension modules for the multi-dimensional development of the students and the farming community in and around the Maharashtra state. It performs a dynamic and innovative education programme to meet the modern challenges of scientific manpower, vital and relevant research and effective extension services. The college provides an atmosphere not only for healthy academic activities but also for all-round growth and development of student’s personality. The institute has followed a system of education that provides a great deal of openness transparency, flexibility and possibilities for growth.